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Chealsea on a sofa

Embody the Confident Leader

You're Destined to Be

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I'm a Keynote Speaker, Writer, and Coach. I've also been a product leader at Google for over 13 years. I started my journey as a woman in tech nearly 30 years ago!


Although I may look confident and successful, I didn't always feel that way.


As the daughter of a coal miner and a first generation college student, I struggled a lot early on in my career. But after a few painful setbacks, I finally realized that I needed to do some major mindset shifting to have the kind of life I wanted. 


Now I'm dedicated to sharing the insights and strategies that I used along my journey in hopes that I can help others who may be struggling in the same way. 

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Hi, I'm Chealsea!

My Path to Unshakeable Confidence

For years I felt small and less than, and that I didn’t deserve the career that I had been working so hard to grow. Then I learned to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. To embrace the beauty of stepping outside my comfort zone. My discomfort soon turned into curiosity and excitement, and the confidence to hold my own space. With my inner confidence unleashed, I commanded attention, spoke up more often, and became the confident leader that I am today. And I want that for you too.

Chealsea in Domino Park

Leadership is about more than the workplace; it's about inner strength in all aspects of your life. 

  • Do you feel like you’re not living up to your full potential?​

  • Do you feel like you're progressing too slowly in your career?

  • Do you feel like you're working harder than everyone around you, but still not as successful as you want to be?

  • Do you experience anxiety around asserting yourself or your ideas?

  • Do you struggle with negative self talk?

  • Do you feel overloaded by the daily stresses of life?

  • Are you feeling like there’s not enough of you to go around?

  • Are you feeling exhausted by the noise in your mind?

I did, and that's why I want to help!

I provide game-changing strategies that will help you transform the way you show up in the world.

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What I Offer

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Public Speaking

Book me to speak about career transformation through mindset shifting and mental well-being. I focus on the importance of doing inner work to create sustainable, meaningful change, as opposed to outward tactics and skill building that can fall short in times of pressure and stress. I share actionable strategies, personal anecdotes, and insights based on my 30 year career journey from a first generation college student in Appalachia to senior product leader at Google in New York City. 


Online Courses

Uplevel your career game with my innovative leadership program, Leadership Through Inner Strength. LTIS also includes a group coaching option. Throughout 2024, I'm launching multiple single-module courses on important career topics. The first course in this series, Overcoming Impostor Syndrome is available now for pre-sale. Each course covers my own process of discovery and the tools I used at every step of the way. You have access to the content forever, and I release new modules and course each year!



Supercharge your career in my transformative group coaching program, Career Growth Glow-Up, which focuses on the topics covered in Leadership Through Inner Strength, my flagship leadership program. Or, if private coaching is more your thing, I have a small number of one-on-one slots available. For more information on all of my coaching options, click the "More Info" button below. 

Not sure which one's right for you? Book a free 30-minute consultation with me to learn more!

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